This is the Official Walkthrough for Love Spell: Marcello's Route written by the development team for the game.
This walkthrough will lead you to all possible endings for his route–including all CGs and the unlockable Epilogue.
In Love Spell: Starlight Edition & Love Spell: Aslan's Story (DLC), many choices do not have a significant impact on what ending you will achieve. A player can manually select which ending to play (Good or Bad) when prompted at the final choice of the route's story, and as long as the entire route is played through once, the Epilogue of the route will also unlock.
However, please note that to unlock various post-game stories in the Gallery, different routes will need to be completed. Check your "Navigation Menu" to see how far you've gotten in the story and what you need left to "complete" a route.
Here are the official "best play-through" choice selections.
Say something.
> Select Marcello
Marcello's Route
Episode 1: Friend or Foe?
No choices.
Episode 2: Trouble In Little Pastoria
Take his hand.
Episode 3: Den Of The Dragon
"One of your goons?"
Episode 4: Dancing With Danger
Slap the teeth out of Marcello.
Episode 5: Il Draghi Rosso
No choices.
Episode 6: Rising Temptations
Tell him you want him.
Episode 7: Amore Mio
Go to him. Keep reading. (Continues to intimate scene, optional.)
Skip to morning. (Skips intimate scene, optional.)
Episode 8: A Black Lion
Take a seat.
Episode 9: Brothers In Arms
No choices.
Episode 10: To Love, To War
"Am I someone important to you, too?"
Episode 11: Dawn and Dusk
Shoot [--]. (Leads automatically to Good End)
Save Marcello. (Leads automatically to Bad End)
Note: Both endings need to be seen to complete the route and unlock post-game.
Epilogue: Marcello
No choices.